
Will you slip step through September with us? It’s going to be a mixed month teaching wise. John will teach on the 5th; Mary and Tony will guest star on the 12th as all the regular teachers will be dancing elsewhere; and Hazel will teach the 19th and 26th. We hope to see you for some dancing this September! Click here for a PDF of Tony and Mary’s email with the programme for class on September 12th: Programme for September 12th

Class is at our usual time of 8:15pm on Thursday evenings.  Step Practice is planned for 5th and 19th September, beginning at 7:30pm, but is cancelled the 12th and 26th. Check here for any further cancellations.

Upcoming Events

Although we have no major events planned for the next few months, why not join us for fun, fitness and friendship on Thursday nights? We dance every Thursday at 8:15pm. Hope to see you!